Monday, August 20, 2007

New Hero

At a retreat for all the teachers at my school, a new saint was introduced to me... I had heard of her before, but I didn't know the whole story, and wow. Pretty amazing.

Her name: St. Gianna Beretta Molla
Localation: Italy
Dates of life: Oct. 4, 1922 - April 28, 1962
Why a saint?: She was a stellar example of mom and career woman as a doctor. She was quoted to have said "I would rather die than to commit a mortal sin" at a very early age.

She gave her life for her daughter. She had a tumor that was found 2mos into pregnancy. The advice of her doctors was to terminate the pregnancy immediately. The doctors told her that her body would not be able to withstand giving birth to the baby, but she insisted and told them that if they had to choose between her and the baby, to choose the baby without hesitation. She ended up dying 7 days after the baby was born as the feared predictions had warned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If your're interested, i have her biography that was written by her husband, Pietro. I've also got a dvd bio, but lent that to Kim and lost it somewhere between her and Jenny's bridal shower at Katie Scott's house....
A hero, indeed!