Thursday, June 26, 2008

Slow Start.

I'm a teacher. I have the summers off. I'm suppose to get a lot done. I have no excuse not to.

The last day of school was June 2. Granted, I went back in for two weeks afterward for summer school and to pack my room up getting ready to move to a new room... but still...

A whole week has gone by since the end of summer school. I did a load or two of laundry, hung up about half of the clothes that came out, and... well.. what else? WHAT HAVE I DONE? I have spent too much time on the computer is what. Where is my motivation? My summer is already short due to the vacation I am peeing myself about... I had better get my act together if I want to do anything with my summer. It's JULY next week for heaven's sake!

Tomorrow is a new day. Hopefully I will get some vacuuming done, perhaps even take a mop to the kitchen floor... that's the normal stuff I should be doing anyway... *Sigh* What in the world will I do with myself when we have kids? It's times like this I truely understand that God knows what He's doing... What's wrong with me?

1 comment:

Nicole Bradica said...

Nothing! Just enjoy some time relaxing and re-grouping. You do so much during the school year, so do nothing for a bit:)