Saturday, April 19, 2008


Finally... life has slowed down a bit. Unfortunately, my lack of posting equals a lack of traffic on this blog... but oh well... I'm going to post what's going on anyways...

After tutoring in dayton public schools from Nov - March, 4 hours a week, rehearsing for the musical "Jacob's Pillow", then rehearsing for the musical "Meet me in St. Louis", attending adoption information meetings, and a host of other one-time events and meetings and appointments, life has slowed down and my body has said "it's about time".
Maybe my heart is trying to say something to me, I don't know, but it's been beating funny and scaring me quite a bit. After two trips to the doctor, a trip to the ER, and a trip to the cardiologist, I am now "stuck" with a heart monitor for the next month. Every time I feel my heart beating irregularly, I push a little button and it saves the previous 10 seconds and the following 20 seconds. The docs don't think anything is life threatening since my blood work has come out okay - but I can't say as though my conscience is settled about the whole situation - especially since I will be spending the next month with a sticky chest. I am just hoping and praying that it's all related to stress and since I have been able to unclutter my schedule, my life will become a little more restful and peaceful.

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