Saturday, January 26, 2008

Another answer to prayer...

While I was running out the door one day last week (the same day as the revelation mentioned in the previous post - Thursday) late for work with no time to pack a lunch, I said, "Lord, please provide a lunch for me today."

And it was so.

At lunch time while I was helping my kindergarteners get set up eating their lunch, my coworker said, "Hey, I brought you lunch today."
"What? Are you serious?"
"Yeah, I made it last night and thought you'd enjoy it."
"You responded faithfully to God... I asked that He provide me with lunch today because I didn't have time to pack."

Chills went up and down our spines.

1 comment:

Nicole Bradica said...

Dear Jen,

I love you! Your childlike faith and humility are truly a inspiration to this sister of yours!