Sunday, September 30, 2007

It's been a while..........

I know it's been a while... well, I've been busy, and even when I've had time, I haven't had anything to say... and still don't really!

I have been going to the Y more often and hopefully that will "reduce body mass", and that will allow me to start the family we've been waiting forsince forever!

Also, Jon Paul and I, along with my mom and dad, brother and fiance, are planning a trip to Europe next summer... first and foremost to attend my friend, Anna's, wedding in Sweden... but while we're "in the area", we're trying to hit a bit of Rome, Vienna, Gaming, and Salzburg while we're at it. We are looking forward to it SOOOO much! There's just something about Europe that makes my heart yearn to go back more and more (this will be my 3rd time in Europe, plus a month in India - a total of 6 months out of the US)... I just love traveling and seeing the richness of history and how it cannot be separated from the Catholic faith - talk about boosting my faith and zeal!

Anywho - that's about all that's going on here. School is going very well - my class is fantastic... and God is just so good to me. Praise God!

1 comment:

Nicole Bradica said...

Good to see you back. We continue to pray for you and japes and the babes already in your heart!! Europe trip sounds awesome!